This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness

This week, read about a new weight loss calculator, guidelines for exercising in hot conditions, trending food stories predicting obesity, the science of being hangry, protein intake recommendations, defending corn,  “natural” sugars and health, the chemistry of wine, and more. New NIH weight loss calculator. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has made their Body Weight […]

This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness

This week, read about strength training to improve bone density, how to recover from an all-nighter, exercise to reduce breast cancer risk, yogurt, ice slushies for heat training, drinking between workouts, muscle knots, Isagenix, and more. Strength Training for Bone Density Although muscle immediately comes to mind when people think of strength training,  increased bone […]

This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness

This week, read about what makes us take the stairs, the science of sleep, fish oil supplements, watermelon and exercise performance, how to make exercise habits stick, understanding food expiration dates, dietary phosphates, and more. What Makes Us More Likely to Take the Stairs? I am a strong believer that our environment can help shape […]

This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness

This week, read about how green spaces make kids smarter, lifting heavy or light weights, gluten-free diets, how elite ultra runners fuel their performance, risks of drinking aloe vera, secret to Usain Bolt’s speed, supplement risks for athletes, and more. Why lift heavy weights if you don’t have to? Research questions the dogma that heavy […]

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