Carbs & the Dietary Guidelines for Americans: Quality Counts!

I am following the Dietary Guidelines for Americans for 1 month.  You can read my earlier posts about this experience here. Much of the criticism of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans centers around the recommendation of carbohydrate-containing foods.  Popular dogma is that carbohydrates make people fat, increase the risk for many diseases, and cause a […]

Fad Diet Month on Twitter

DAY 3 – Dietary Guidelines On the Road I’m traveling, and having a hard time sticking to the Dietary Guidelines. But it’s a good thing for my project! While my home food environment surrounds me with healthy (and tasty) choices, this is shedding light on the misinterpretation of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. I”m trying […]

Healthy or Hype? Turmeric

Turmeric seems to be everywhere these days. This signature spice that lends curries and mustards their distinct colour is now popping up in unlikely foods and beverages like golden spice lattes, hot chocolate, and even sodas. And you can count on more foods adopting turmeric’s characteristic yellow-orange hue, as the turmeric food trend is a […]

Fats vs Carbs: Clarifying Conspiracies, Controversies, and Confusion

Are you confused about how much fat you should eat? You have good reason! Many journalists and “internet experts” skillfully weave convincing stories about a large body of research.  We are often told to ignore academic experts and decades of nutrition research. What’s going on here? A recent example is journalist Ian Leslie’s “The Sugar […]

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