Fitness & Sports Science Reading & Resources


Media reports, company marketing efforts, and self-proclaimed experts can make interpreting health news confusing.  These outlets recognize that people are drawn to exceptional or miraculous stories that elicit an emotional response.

Good science is the best tool that we have to  figure out how something is influencing our health.   Finding out “what works” isn’t usually the result of a single study, but often years of research from various disciplines.  To evaluate a diet, health claims, exercise regime, practices, or products, you should consult sources who use the best scientific evidence available while considering cumulative scientific knowledge in that area.

I’ve put together a list of resources who use this evidence-based approach.

Sports Science

Sports Science Research Update Resources

  • Pubmed.  You’ll find more than 24 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Increasingly, citations include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
  • Infographics by Yann Le Meur. Summarizing complex studies can be a challenge. Exercise physiologist Yann Le Meur is helping make sports science research understandable for all, using graphics and simplified text to illustrate recent studies. Le Meur conducts research at the National Institute of Sport, Expertise, and Performance in Paris.  If you like these graphic summaries, be sure to visit Yann Le Meur’s website, which he updates regularly with new research (or follow him on twitter at @YLMSportScience).  You’ll find recent summaries of  interval training,  warmup protocols, sleep, injury rehab or preventionrecovery,  strength training, and much more.

Public Policy for Physical Activity & Nutrition


Reviewed and updated  April 24, 2017

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