Healthy or Hype? Protein Powder

The protein powder market is growing. Once primarily the realm of body builders (and sold in big tubs displaying pictures of big muscles), protein powders are now cleverly marketed to various demographics and available at most supermarkets. This wide availability and targeted advertising is prompting many to wonder if they need a protein supplement. Here’s […]

Is agave nectar a healthy sweetener?

It’s hard for me to ignore trends in recipe ingredients. Lately, “health conscious” cooks, food bloggers, and chefs are using particular ingredients claiming that it makes their dishes healthier. For example, coconut oil is a current popular ingredient (I’ve covered the questionable health benefits of coconut oil here).  Agave nectar is another popular ingredient that […]

Healthy or Hype? Buttered/Bulletproof Coffee

What Is Buttered/Bulletproof Coffee? Buttered coffee is a breakfast of butter and/or MCT oil blended into coffee. The standard recipe is as follows: 2 cups coffee (Upgraded™ coffee) 2 tbsp. butter (unsalted grass fed) 2 tbsp. MCT oil (a mixture of coconut and palm-kernel oils) Bulletproof® coffee was invented by entrepreneur, blogger, and paleo proponent […]

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