The first ski of the year is always very exciting. Typically the conditions are not optimal, but that usually doesn’t matter – skiing on any kind of snow at this time is fun.

This morning I went out with a few of my XC Ottawa teammates and we were more than pleasantly surprised – not only was there plenty of snow  – but the groomer had been by and set classic and skate tracks!

Conditions were quite good – a dry snow on a hard packed base. . . and good enough to do intervals – 3 times 3 minutes on (Zone 4-5), with 5 minutes rest.  Possibly the best first tracks conditions ever!

Here are some pictures. . .

Liza & me excited about intervals!
Liza & me. . .  getting ready for intervals!
Katie_Liza ski 2
Katie said classic tracks were pretty good
Liza pointing to the now Yeti on our suit. We LOVE Yeti!
Liza pointing to the Yeti on our new suit. We LOVE the Yeti!

Katie_Liza skiKatie and Liza toward top of “neverending” hill. We used this for intervals. Liza and I were skate skiing and conditions on this hill were pretty good.

Katie and Liza excited about snow, and skiing
We weren't the only ones enjoying the snow - here's Nakkertok's Emily Stewart Jones
We weren’t the only ones enjoying the snow – here’s Nakkertok’s Emily Stewart Jones. Classic tracks don’t look as good here, but the base is quite hard (no pavement).
selfie and groomer
Check out the groomer in the background! Cross country skiers often get excited about groomers (especially when not expected!).
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