This Week in Food, Health, and Fitness

This week, read about nutrition strategies for health and athletic performance, chocolate cake, how to define science, and more.

Nutrition Strategies for Health and Athletic PerformanceOverallNutrition

I’ve complied many of my sports nutrition articles under one page, with additional information to tie it all together.  The page reviews Overall Healthy Eating,  Sports Nutrition,  Food and Recipe Ideas for Athletes, and Sports Nutrition Resources. It’s a great resource for athletes of all ages. I”ll be adding information and new links to the page, so be sure to check back.

ChocolateCakeChocolate Cake: Guilt or Celebration?

Do you ever feel guilty about eating certain foods? A study conducted by researchers at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand showed that associating  a food like chocolate cake with celebration rather than guilt predicted healthier eating behaviors and better weight control. In the study, people who associated eating cake with guilt were more likely to have gained weight 18 months after the initial study (while cake celebraters were more successful at losing weight). (Appetite, March 2014).

Tim Crowe has a nice review of the study, and reminds us that “Eating food is far more than about nutrients and health. It is an incredibly pleasurable and social activity that is important to cultures the world over. Being overly worried and concerned about food or nutrient X may be doing more harm than good if it magnifies an unhealthy relationship with food.

Strive to eat well, but don’t forget to celebrate food.

More links of interest this week:


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